autism CERTIFIED programme
Why Certify With Us?
With an estimated 700,00 people in the UK with autism, we decided to to create an informational hub to help people on the autism spectrum and their families. As well as this, we want to create a clear picture of what autism is and help bring around autism acceptance in the world.
We believe it is important for everyone to have an understanding of what autism is, along with the strengths and challenges many people face on a daily basis.
We have a wide database of knowledge that highlights, strengthens, and supports issues on raising a child with autism, living with autism, and how autistic people can live rich, productive lives.
By certifying with us, you are telling your customers that you support the needs of autism as well as authentication for having an autism-friendly establishment.
Certifying with us isn't just grabbing the seal of approval. We will offer a wide range of support in the following ways:
Support -
Choosing our certification helps us as a not-for-profit organisation by funding our knowledge on how we as a team can help people affected by autism.
Market Insight -
We offer direct communication on how we can strengthen your support for autism and how you can build a better relationship with customers.
Integrity -
We are solely dedicated to supporting the needs of autism which means we are constantly looking for ways to understand how to improve the lives of people that are affected by autism.
Community -
Businesses that certify with us will be listed in our directory. You will be able to see and be a part of the businesses that help combat autism awareness with our new initiative.
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